Monday, June 18, 2007

I like sitting here

I watched a little bird hop by. Small white butterflies (or are they moths?) are visiting the purple flowers in the front bed. A bee or two has sailed by. My Husband is running errands, he will be back for a bit before he goes to work. He will not like to see me sitting here, my notebooks around me, a pen, a book, my ipod, peppermint chapstick, Macbook on my lap, all, plunked down in the formal living room. He doesn't think anyone should sit here, should mess this space up, "Why aren't you up in your studio?". And he does have a point for the studio has no such view, and therefore no such distractions. But I am sitting here quite happily watching three butter/moths (oh 5 now), looks like dancing, together, and then apart, then resting on some blooms, and the cat just came in to sit on the window ledge and watch them too, and any passing birds, or chipmunks; I am sitting back on the soft sofa, my feet up on the coffee table; I can hear my son, and his friend talking and playing upstairs; it will take a hell of lot more than an annoyed look, and a dour little speech to make me move from this spot today. (sour dour)

The cat has come over, and seems displeased that a computer is occupying my lap; he keeps looking at it, as if wishing could make it disapear, and I can tell he is considering the unfortunate notion of lying upon it, but I believe is recalling that, that didn't go over well with me the last time he tried it. He doesn't like it when Cheese shuts him out of his room, and I can feel he isn't sure quite what to do with himself. He isn't supposed to be in the formal living room either.

We are finally home, and there are no plans for going anywhere today, and there is no running about worrying about things that must be done right this moment, before this that and the other thing happen, not today.

Today would be a good day for writing.

I still have to set my schedule up, now that summer vacation is officially upon us, for what we will do when, going to the pool, writing, to make sure things happen every day. Bob wants us to have a complete schedule, with all of our time blocked out, Cheese and I feel that is an exceedingly cruel way to view summer. Bob "but then you will get everything done that you should". We don't want to get everything done that we should. We just want to make sure the things that we find the most important get done, and the rest, can just be peppered about whenever, to varying degrees as inspiration strikes.

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