Sunday, January 27, 2008


the sun must be out
for I feel it inside me

I smell spring
though it is far away
I feel the certainty of it

my slumbering mass
rises to peer out the window
"open the windows"
it says
I say "no, it is too cold"
"open the windows
open the windows
open the windows!"
"open one window.
stand still and breathe it in.
Open the window!"


Vesper said...

The sun inside you, laughing - that's a wonderful feeling. Hold on to it! :-)

strugglingwriter said...

Great post and images.

I wish I could smell spring. I think my nose if clogged with cold air :)

Akasha Savage. said...

I love it! The pictures and the poem both. You've completely caught exactly how it feels when spring is waiting in the wings. :)

Taffiny said...


Oops, lost it already! (was lovely while it lasted though)
Think it had something to do with yesterday being Sunday, and my sleeping in. Today, I feel like I haven't slept in years, staying awake is a struggle. If you happen to come upon a ball of energy wandering around looking lost, toss it down this way, I seem to have lost mine.


It was more a memory I could feel, an internal scent. I love that first warmer day, 'bout March when you really can smell spring, on the wind, approaching.


Thank you. And I did open the window. It was a directive, so I had to. And though it was cold outside, the air that pressed through the screen wasn't. The cat came running, and I lifted him up, setting him on the sill, and we listened to the soft wind in the underbrush, and bare trees.

I love it so, when I can feel that energy, that waking, that stirring. Today I feel like I came out of hibernation too soon, and wish to be deep in warm slumber, till the green things wake up, and peer out through the soil. Today I feel I should not be awake till they are. (but of course to sleep that long would be to miss out on so much)

Well Bob is home, and Cheese is crying ('bout a video game) so I must be off.

Unknown said...

Ah, the spring is glimmering beneath the frost - what a lovely feeling!

I love what you've done with those images!

Taffiny said...


