Tuesday, August 14, 2007

carbon monoxide alarm went off at 4 am. It is still going off. All windows are open. Cheese is freaking out. We bought another alarm and set it up, the new alarm (which is now right beside the older one) is not going off at all. I wish Bob had kept the third one, so we would have two alarms reading the same thing. We don't know what to do. We called the fire department, they are sending someone, we are waiting. Cheese feels sick with worry. I feel sick because I am so tired. Cheese is insisting that we go outside.

Just before 5:30 they left. We thought there would be one guy with some sort of monitor, but there were 4 car/trucks, and a huge fire engine. Plenty of lights a flashing. ( I am glad I had decided to get out of my pjs and put day clothes on before Cheese, the cat and I went outside to wait). They had on their fire gear. And the two guys who sweeped the house, had on gas masks, that made noises when they breathed, like in ET, and Star Wars. We had to shut the windows so they could try and get a reading (now we know this if this ever happens again). Anyway, in the end the house was all clear, no readings, so it seems we have a faulty monitor. We feel bad, waking up all those guys for nothing. They were very kind, made small talk with us, and told us, how much they prefer faulty alarms to carrying unconscious people out of their homes.

The first light is already spreading across the sky. Bob is back in bed, wishing the rest of us would do the same. I am on the computer. Cheese is walking around chatty and unsettled. The cat is running about crazy wild (having been outside in his carrier in the wee hours, an unusual experience for him). Now the cat is talking to me, soon Bob will yell at us both. I haven't slept at all. Birds just started. Even though they gave us the all clear, I don't think I can close the windows. We will buy two more alarms today, one to replace the faulty one, and one more, so we have three, so two will tell us the same thing at any given time. I guess I'll try to go to sleep.
I slept from 7-10 (when my mom called). Cheese didn't bother trying to sleep, got up and played with his Legos. Bob and the cat got enough sleep.

by the bye, changed the date, by several days, so it would drop further down the post list. wish to forget about it. Did sleep last night :)

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