Wednesday, January 24, 2007

not so bad

so today is better, I am not doing cartwheels, and tap dancing, but everything is fine. I only have a few pages of old notebook to go through now (did two yesterday, depression thing helped, I didn't get side tracked reading anything unrelated to current project). I did exercise today, and read some writer's market. I enjoyed watching idol last night, watched a fair amount of President. It was cold in our house which was good, because instead of growling at Husband when he sat next to me on sofa (I had been rather mad about some stuff that occurred over the weekend), I found I really appreciated his company a.k.a body heat, and due to the close proximity I fell into old habits and was nice to him, forgeting that I had been upset.

I guess I will go now and try and finish those last few pages.

Oh, I wanted to say that I think the version of Jane Eyre on masterpiece theatre is a good one, I am looking forward to seeing the second half this Sunday. I did notice a change here or there, but over-all seemed to stick to book, and the change about the gypsy woman didn't bother me at all (I had wondered how it would be pulled off). Usually when I watch a movie adaption, I get very angry, it is never true to the book. I really like the Harry Potter series, and I do enjoy the movies, but the first time I see the movie I get all in a huff, and carry on about the changes, "that is not what happened!!" "ugh, why did they change that, no that is not better!". I am best off if I watch the movie first and then read the book, but I certainly couldn't wait in the case of Potter. I like most of the Austen adaptions, but I wish I could love one (Mansfield Park version does indeed make me angry). I didn't care that much for Wuthering Heights (the book), but at some point I should re-read it, I read things on the surface, and I was surprised to find out all I had missed (symbolism, etc.,). Plus, though I do not like to admit it, I kept getting my Catherines confused. I should watch the movie first, refresh my mind, know where I am going, and then go into it again. But none of that is for now, now I need to stay focused on current project. Memoirs of a Geisha is current novel allotment.

okay, now I will go finish the notebook

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